Easter Outreach

Nazarene Fuzz


Easter in Spain

Holy Week is a major religious festival in Spain, particularly in the southern region of Andalucía. Floats with scenes from the passion of Christ and other bearing local 'virgins' (statues, which are the object of worship), are processed each night round the city, while the young people take the opportunity to get out again after the long nights of winter.

Kids Process, too!
With the streets crowded with people, most actually only partly interested in the religious nature of the event, it is nevertheless, an opportunity to talk religious themes to people open to be presented with a new way of looking at Christ.

Baeza 2005

A 'Cristo', from the Baeza catalogue cover

A 'Cristo', from the Baeza catalogue cover

We were invited to take a small team this year to reach out to the city of Baeza, in the province of Jaen (Andalusia). In addition to this city, we also shared the Gospel through preaching and literature distribution in Jódar and Villargordo. We appreciate your prayer support for the results!

The Report

The text of this report, together with the photos, has now moved to a permanent password protected archive. If you wish to see it do not hesitate to request the password.

Alcalá de Henares 2007

In 2007 we are supporting an outreach in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid with the Barretts. This will involve a combined Spanish and British team. The UK team comes from organised by Gospel Literature Outreach.

If you want to know more about this outreach, go to the report and photo section. (Password on request)

Azuqueca de Henares, 2008

13th to 22nd March. The GLO team was led by Guy and Jocelyn Pembroke (and Rachel) from Inverness. The mornings were focused in on Azuqueca with study, childrens' programme and literature distribution, with a number of other activities being staged between Azuqueca and Alcala in the afternoons.
If you want to know more about this outreach, go to the report and photo section. (Password on request)

2009 and future

No outreach was planned for 2009, due to the multiplicity of Missions events. At the time of writing, there are no definite plans for the future.