Short term Missions

Short term missions can take a number of different forms, but most involve taking time out (or holiday) from university or a job to dedicate the time to the Lord's service.

You might join a team from your church, go to help a missionary you know or join a missionary organisation which runs short term missions and campaigns to Spain.

Whatever you are planning, you will need the support of a number of groups and individuals, particularly your home church! (And if you aren't a member of a church at present, perhaps you might sort this out first.) Then, apart from some official approval, you will need some money. A group of friends is the best way to start raising the necessary finance. A job for a time would help, too. Above all, you need to be sure you have people behind you who will pray.

If you don't know who to go with, the following organisations are a sample of the ones that regularly recruit people from overseas to join campaigns in Spain. Get in touch with them through your local office. Operation Mobilisation, YWAM, OAC/PrayforSpain (soon again!), World Horizons, ECM, WEC. You can also find more opportunities via the last page of this section


List of upcoming events
Operation Mobilisation
World Horizons
European Christian Mission
More from the Opportunities page