News August 2003

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Authorities continue ban on campaign activity in the port of Algeciras

Your prayers, please for the leadership of Operation Transit, reaching out to North Africans in transit between their home countries and places of work at this time of holidays. As reported last month in the Barrett's news, the Port Authority at the main port, Algeciras, has banned the activities of the teams in the port area.

This is quite understandable from both operative and immigration security points of view, but it is sad that a campaign which has been so effective over the years should now have to look elsewhere for locations to enter into contact with the largely muslim travellers. Many of them spend long hours in queues at the port as they have no reservations for the shuttle services across the Straits of Gibraltar, particularly during the first days of August.

The teams have already been redistributed to other ports. Some are located in Alicante and usually work close to the area where the ETA bomb went off last week. Fortunately no one was in the area at the time.