June, July 03

Arise, Spain and Shine! Nº 4 (June 2003) The Bulletin of the Prayer Network for the Evangelisation of Spain

'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' Jeremiah 33:3

Praise the Lord! As we call on Him, He is answering! Here is one answer to our prayer during May: "We greatly thank God for the sowing we were able to do in the Basque town of Lasarte-Oria (18,000 inhabitants) with the puppet show. The weather was excellent, the answer of the audience impressive. What we did broke down many barriers of prejudice in the people. Children participated, the adults were attentive. There was no problem and no interruption. Keep praying for Lasarte-Oria! Pray that a church will be established there. Thank you." Titiriteros Para Cristo (Puppeters for Christ). Another: "As you know, we held the Contracorriente (Against the Flow) conference this May in Huesca, Aragon. About 800 young people gathered from all over Spain, including a good number of non-Christians. Many made a profession of faith and others rededicated their life to the Lord. On the Friday, being a school day, the students of the high school where the conference took place, surprised by all that was going on, came into the prayer room. Many spoke with God for the first time in their life, others called out to Him for help; yet others prayed to receive Him into their life. praise the Lord for the generation which He is raising up!!!

Please share this news with those who you know are praying for Spain. Help us to complete the 24 hour prayer chain. We are looking for those who would commit to praying just 15 minutes per week at a specific time. If you are on another continent, you would be particularly welcome if you could cover some of those (Spanish) night-time slots which are still not covered. Contact us, telling us the time you would like to pray weekly, at: The Spanish Evangelists' Conference Prayer Team, ceeoracion@yahoo.es. Or visit the official site to see this and more news in Spanish at: http://www.webcindario.com/confevan.

Thanks for your support so far. Please join us praying on for the following topics (which in most cases can also be found on the calendar in the prayer pages):

JUNE '03

- Contracorriente Summer Outreaches: (June, July and August): Ibiza, Pilgrims' Road to Santiago, Marocco and Manchester.

- ( 2-13) Montilla, Córdoba, An evangelistic outreach with a German team

- ( 8) "El Salvador" Baptist Church, Valencia, evangelistic outreach.

- ( 21/22 - 28/29) Campaign in San Sebastián-Donostia; Organized by Titiriteros para Cristo (Puppeters for Christ), in colaboration with the Amara Evangelical Church

- (30 June - 6 July ) Guadalajara summer mission, organised by the Baptist churches

JULY '03

- ( 1- 2) Public celebration in La Coruña. The motive is the 200th aniversary of the birth of George Borrow, who visited the city. Last year, the city hall named a street after this famous colporteur and writer.

- ( 3- 6 ) 1st National Youth Congress - Conexión, in Orense, Galicia. This is a big event, organised by the national churches federation, FEREDE and a number of youth ministries. Among the speakers will be George Verwer. More info (in Spanish) from the site: http://www.conexion2003.com
This is followed by a good number of summer activities in the region of Galicia:
-- ( 7- 13) Summer Mission in Orense, organised by the Baptists.
-- ( 8- 31) Operation Mobilisation Campaign in Vigo, helping to establish a new church, with activities in the open air, socail work in old people's homes, etc., music, mime, and drama. Info from your national office

- ( 9- 30) 'Mola' Missions, YWAM evangelistic teams in Madrid y Málaga. Rey Laudencia y Marcelo Echeverría: puentealasnaciones@ywam.org

- ( 15-19) 1st G12 Youth Congress in Tarragona, to impart the vision of cell-chuch multiplication.

- ( 16- 30) Campaign with Decisión in Ciudad Rodrigo. Planting a daughter church of the Brethren assembly in Salamanca. There is no closer church at present (90km/56m).

- ( 22/7- 30/8) Pocket Testament League/ Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo (LTB), 3 Campaigns in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands. Mainly Spanish (peninsular) participants. ltb@intercom.es


- (All August and September) Campaign in Fuentes de Andalucía, Sevilla.

- ( 4-10) Toledo Summer Mission, Castilla-La Mancha.

- ( 18-24) Oviedo Summer Mission, Asturias.

- ( 25-30) La Coruña, Galicia, annual Churches' Summer Campaign.


- ( 3- 14) Campaign in Játiva, Valencia. Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo (PTL).

- ( 4 - 7) Youth Campaign in Aranda, Burgos, Castilla León. Using mime, music and dance to reach young people.

- ( 15- 21) Campaign in Madrid. Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo (PTL)

Pioneer Work and Other Topics: The church in Arganda (Madrid) asks prayer for the work they are doing to reach the neighbouring town of Morata de Tajuña. pray for the evangelist-worker Antonio Victorio
The church in Las Arenas, in Bilbao, Basque Country requests prayer for their regular evangelistic activity among young people. No dates yet.
Pray for other summer evangelistic activity which we are not aware of... or which still has to be arranged/confirmed.


Pray this month for the Two Castilles, 'Old' and 'New' (as reconquered during the Middle Ages) and Aragón. The troops who died in the plane crash in Turkey (26th May) came from Burgos (Old Castille) and Zaragoza (Aragón), although their home towns were all over the country. Although a considerable part of the population lives in the larger cities, there are many smaller towns and villages in these regions with no churches and... as things stand, no hope of a church-planter arriving in the current generation. Pray for the Lord to develop a strategy for these areas and that he would reveal to the churches what He wants to do and how!