News, January '04

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A few more news items and where to find more news about Spain:

24% of Spanish homes have access to the Internet

According to recent official surveys by the National Statistics Institute in December 2002 the number of people with access to the Internet was only 17.4%, but a year later had grown to 24%. By the end of July '03, the number of ADSL lines was 1,343,823 with Madrid and Barcelona way ahead, emphasising the gap between town and country in technological advance. (El Mundo, TVE)

43% of Spanish computer users hit their machine when it fails to work as they would like. Principal problem seems to be the mouse.

P4S set to break record for visits yet again
Rocio Jurado with Luis Palau and 'El Puma'

Rocio Jurado with Luis Palau and 'El Puma'

Once again we thank our visitors for your interest and concern for Spain. In December the number of visits reached the 2000 level for the second month in a row, despite a considerable and understandable drop in visits over Christmas. January also began slowly, but the record for visits (December) will once again be approached. Thank you!

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past news is not all forgotten by P4S! Such items as can be found on the news pages at the end of every month are being filed in our archive.
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Finally, more news from the churches is always available at the ACPRESS and Protestantes sites: News in English Diary in Spanish, but readable

This week on Protestante Digital:

Redeeming the time through journalism
Spanish Baptists go with World Alliance rather than Americans
As the dust settles on the flattened churches in Madrid...
it is clear that some are more equal than others
Evangelical groups monitoring the situation in Madrid
King invokes the help of the apostle James
The 'problem' of Catholic privilege in the Constitution
Christian transmitter smashed up in Canary Islands attack