News, November 2003

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30 November, resumé

7 Spanish intelligence officers dead after ambush and 20 minute fight in Iraq as their convoy suffered an attack south of Bagdad - one survivor now back in Spain- PM Aznar says we are where we must be and will not leave- total Spanish death toll up to nine; Gibraltar votes to keep Caruana as PM, in bid to keep the rock away from Spain; 85% of Spaniards now consider the Iraq war was a mistake - despite government commitment to the US position, never were a majority in favour of the war; Catalan political leaders continue discisions in attempt at creating a stable majority for the new parlament after elections on 16th November; more court cases admitted against the Basque 'Ibarretxe Plan' for broader autonomy, which effectively appears as a threat to the Spanish Constitution and cabinet approves change to law which would punish calling a referendum with prison and disqualification for public office ; regions also up in arms about not being allowed to offer top-up pensions for the needy; Spain chosen to house EU bureau for the prevention of illegal immigration by sea; Spain loses to France as EU bid for ITER nuclear fusion reactor, but will get European head office of the project; 'flu levels 20 times higher than normal for time of year; sonar ban for submarines in whale areas around Canaries; Imperial Eagles on the increase this year, with 200 chicks flying; heavy rain and snow warning in northern Spain


Tennis, Spanish Davis cup team just fail to win Salad Bowl in Melbourne final.
Football (soccer): Real Madrid leads Spanish league by the skin of its teeth,with Deportivo La Coruña equal on points; Real Madrid still not sure leaders of group F in Champions' Cup, despite win against OM -Beckham scored first goal-, Celta still in with a slight hope fo going through after draw against Bruges
Basketball: Tau Ceramica leads ACB league, with no lost games.


TV Good News! Buenas Nuevas TV, the new look and now weekly evangelical TV programme, started broadcasts on TVE on Sunday 5th October at 08.30 local time (07.30 GMT).
Next 'Conference for the Evangelisation of Spain' gets go ahead for next year, over December 4-8 bank holiday weekend; 'Llamada' (Call) youth missions congress goes ahead next Easter: both are major national events

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Sources El Mundo, TVE, EP, AS, El Portal Cristiano