September 2003

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A few more news items and where to find more news about Spain:

Traffic accidents cause unnecessary deaths and serious injuries

Here are some of the statistics:

The final weekend of August is considered to have gone off well, with only some 30 deaths.
58 died in traffic accidents over the mid-August weekend, 14th to 17th
42 died between Thursday 31 July and Sunday 3 August, over the most important holiday weekend of the year.
43 died in the weekend of July 25 to 27,
56 died in road traffic accidents over the May 1st long weekend.
Another 126 people died on the roads in Spain during the Holy Week holiday period (Friday 11th to Monday 21st inclusive).

This horrendous Holy Week figure compares with 128 last year and 135 in 2001. Despite the stunning nature of the figures, they reflect the annual statistics, particularly with reference to weekend deaths. Many of these are not so much among long-distance holiday travellers as among young people returning from nights out and clearly over all the drink and drug limits.

Pray for those who have lost dear ones and also for those who escaped death and now face long periods of hospitalisation and even indefinite immobilisation or disability. Also pray for the evangelical hospital visitors in different regions. An official body was recently set up in Catalonia for this purpose.

17% of Spanish homes have access to the Internet

According to a recent official survey by the National Statistics Institute ( in December 2002) the number of people with access to the Internet is only 17.4%. By the end of July '03, the number of ADSL lines was 1,343,823 with Madrid and Barcelona way ahead, emphasising the gap between town and country in technological advance. (El Mundo)

New: Old News archive

29 August. Today we have started a new section in PrayforSpain. We will be archiving old news on a month-by-month basis so that a record is kept. As time goes by we also hope to begin to cover more themes in the news with comment in the comment section. For more information on old news (which strangely looks very like this page for the time being, and comment

Your response and concerns are also of interest to us. Don't hesitate to let us know them:
For comment on events and themes

Finally, more news from the churches is always available at the ACPRESS and Protestantes sites: (the first not available during August 2003) News in English Diary in Spanish, but readable