News, January 2005

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EU Constitutional Referendum campaign under way

20 January. A referendum has been called to approve the new European Constitution. The date is to be 20th February.

Although the vast majority of Spaniards are in favour of EU membership and the new Constitution, it is feared that a very large number may not bother to turn out at the polling stations. Among those against the Constitution are the national left wing party IU, believing that the social clauses are not stron enough and the left wing party of Catalonia, which believes regional rights are not recognised in the new Magna Carta. Most are very grateful for what the EU has done for Spain so far and are therefore more in favour than against. They do not perceive the EU as a threat to their way of life, although this in reality is fast changing, despite remaining very different to that of other EU nations.

The EU began superficially as an economic union only, although deep down it was primarily a political instrument to ensure there will be no more war between European countries. On the whole this has been a great success, although the breakdown of Yugoslavia was thus a notable failure for the EU. Today, the economic interests remain in togetherness, but many fear a not only Godless, but in many ways also totally headless organism of this size.

Much more about the Constitution:
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