News, December 2004

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A few more news items and where to find more news about Spain:

Personal Debt

25 Nov '04. 43% of homes have some debt and the average among them is 22,000 Euros, mostly mortgages. Those least likely to be in debt are precisely the (otherwise) worst off! Low income families and pensioners are most able to survive, apparently, without incurring debt. Only just over 20% of home owners have an outstanding mortgage. 80% of the families surveyed owned their home. Of great alarm is the 8.5% of families who owe three times - or more- their income. Bank of Spain figures based on a survey almost 2 years old of some 5,000 homes.

25% of Spanish homes have access to the Internet

According to recent official surveys by the National Statistics Institute in December 2002 the number of people with access to the Internet was only 17.4%, but a year later had grown to 24%. By the end of July '03, the number of ADSL lines was 1,343,823 with Madrid and Barcelona way ahead, emphasising the gap between town and country in technological advance. (El Mundo, TVE)

A campaign run by the government between September 2004 and spring 2006 aims to improve rural internet access possibilites. In September 2004 still only 25% of homes have access to internet.

43% of Spanish computer users hit their machine when it fails to work as they would like. Principal problem seems to be the mouse. has over 5 million unique monthly visitors

El Mundo, as well as a very popular printed paper, is Spain's most widely read electronic news service and first crossed the 5 million mark in October 2004, with 5.4 million in November. The number is increasing rapidly. Other papers lag, with dailies specialising in sport having most success: almost reached 3 million and is now above a million, with the second general daily close behind it. 'Circulation' stats are the speciality of which can be read in English.

Test Tube Tourism

23/11/04 Since Spain has one of the easiest legal regimes for artificial, in-vitro insemination processes, many Europeans are visiting Spain in their desperation to become pregnant. 40% of the several thousand cases each year are foreigners, from countries such as Britain.

Finally, more news from the churches is always available at the Protestante Digital and Protestantes sites: News in English Their past news archives Diary in Spanish, but readable News in Catalan!

This week on Protestante Digital:

Official silence reigns over Christmas service cancellation
Christian gypsy singer dies of heart attack
Evangelical Alliance targets plight of Peru and central Africa
Expressing unity through Week of Prayer
Two-thirds of evangelicals happy to take money from the state
900th edition for Christian TV programme
Christians who were buried beyond the wall
Historic agreement between Evangelical Church and local Council
Evangelical Media Congress held in Madrid