News, September '04

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ETA stikes again: 7 bombs along north coast

10 August. On Saturday, 8th, ETA detonated two small bombs in seaside towns along the northern 'Green' coast of the peninsula. These were the first actions by ETA for months and the first terrorist action since the 3/11 bombings in Madrid. Fortunately, despite both localities being very busy with holiday makers, no one was hurt in the blasts.

Update, 17th August: A further two bombs exploded in Gijón and Santander on the 12th and a fifth on the 16th in Llanes. All these places are north coast ports/ holiday destinations. One person was lightly injured in the Gijón blast.

Update 21st. 3 were wounded in a blast in Galicia. A second bomb failed to go off, thus allowing police to gain vital information about the bombs and their makers.