News, June 2004

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A few more news items and where to find more news about Spain:

P4S happy with first year
Usage, 27 December 2003

Usage, 27 December 2003

Once again we thank our visitors for your interest and concern for Spain. In January the number of visits reached the 2000 level for the third month in a row, despite a considerable and understandable drop in visits over Christmas. Compared to the 2,500 visits in January to the English language pages of the official news service of the evangelical churches, ACpress, we are indeed delighted.

March again broke records after a slight fall in February. Due to the sad circumstances, the number of visits topped 2600 for the month, or 7000 pages viewed. The total number of visits for our first year to end February (which got off to an understandably slow start until after the summer) was over 13,000. Thank you!

N.B. After a server change in April/May, statistics have now resumed, with more detail. More after the summer.

Finally, more news from the churches is always available at the ACPRESS and Protestantes sites: News in English Diary in Spanish, but readable

This week on Protestante Digital:

20 years of witness in inland Spain
Baptist theologian says discernment is needed in postmodern age
Ecumenism dying out in Spain
Catholic leaders call for vote against parties which support laicism
Socialists beat a track to the Vatican’s door
Evangelical Spanish football player keeps out of idol offering
Laddish behaviour leads down the road to dusty death
Children still watching too much television
Prostitution generates 18,000 million euros a year