News, May 2004

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News theme: Royal Wedding

On May 22nd, 2004 the Prince Felipe got married to Letizia Ortiz. As can be imagined, this aroused much interest, not only in Spain, but also around the world.

A number of taboos have been broken with this marriage: the bride is a commoner, although having been a well-known journalist and newsreader -up to the night before the engagement was announced-, she is not a stranger to Spaniards; she was previously, if only for a short time, married.

The engagement was a great surprise to everyone, a well-kept secret until the official announcement. For more details see our news archive and Go prince felipe or royal wedding:

Photos can be viewed, for example, at:

For the official site of the Roayl Family click here:

Unfortunately, the site relating to the wedding is only available in Spanish at the time of writing: