News, August 2010

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News from the Churches

Summer outreaches now on - i.e. Decision in Fuengirola, Costa del Sol, OM in Galicia. Jimmy Carter opens new church building. Catalonia sets rules for new church buildings. September brings Madrid a European preachers' conference, while OM ship Logos Hope will visit the Canaries. New Bible now available. This and more... Read on!

Coming soon!

  • Summer outreach and camps are here! Many churches, denominations and support ministries are holding outreaches and camps across the country during the months of July and August. In particular, Decision will be holding a summer campaign in Fuengirola (Costa del Sol and close to the Obamas in Marbella) during the first half of August. OM held a week's outreach in the Madrid area late July, before moving to Galicia for the start of August.
    The Brethren are on campaign in Moaña, Galicia. A correspondent writes that it is going well, with great fellowship and Bible teaching... They also report that last year's outreach in Murcia led to 7 people converted, most of these now baptised. s you continue praying for this outreach and the results, give thanks for the follow-up from last year and pray ahead to next year in Guadalajara.
  • The OM ship Logos Hope will visit the Canary islands during September. between the 2nd and 21st the ship will visit Las Palmas and Santa Cruz, the islands' provincial capitals. The world's largest floating book exhibition will bring hope to the 'fortunate islands' before heading on towards Malta. Ken Barrett will be among those welcoming the ship to Spain.
  • Protestante Digital is to get a major overhaul and update. The news service of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance had almost 2 million visits in 2009 and from late spring 2010 will become a daily updated medium. We wish them well. Get a preview here! (To read the latest from PD scroll down.)
    Meanwhile, our P4S renewal continues gradually as decisions are taken about the new look on the one hand and the underlying 'engine' continues to develop on the other. From May 1st the same engine (but not content!) is being used at St. Pixels, the online church.
  • On 23rd September On the Red Box brings us their first European Open air Preachers' Conference. The Madrid based ministry, which under the local name Kilometre Zero reaches out daily at the city centre Puerta del Sol, is spreading its wings to bring back open air preaching to the centres of Europe's major cities. The conference lasts until 26th.
  • On 10th October, Spanish churches are being asked to join the Micah Challenge on poverty. The Spanish Evangelical Alliance is promoting participation for the first time this year. For most churches it will be on 10/10/10... at 11.00!

Recent news and events

A national survey, taken by CIS, shows that since 2000 the number of Spaniards considering themselves Roman Catholics has fallen from 84% to 72%, or some 5 million. Over 56% never attend mass, at least if there isn't a feast (i.e. wedding). Sunday attendance is down to 13% from 21% a decade ago. Meanwhile, affiliation to other religious groups has doubled to 2%, while 25% are 'non-believers' or atheists. From this survey we can deduce that while affiliation to the traditional 'Church' is falling, the evangelicals would be worse than treading water if it were not for the recent influx of immigrants from Latin America, West Africa and Eastern Europe.

On 20th July the Generalitat of Catalonia published the new rules for establishing 'places of worship'. Existing buildings will have 5 years to comply, but meeting places of under 100sqm (1000 sqft) are exempt from the requirements. The law giving rise to the regulations was passed in July 2009.

On 3rd July ex president Jimmy Carter was the guest of honour at the opening of the new building of the Terrassa United Church, linked to the Spanish Baptist Union. On the same visit Carter was given the Premi Internacional de Catalunya, awarded by the Catalan government for being 'a man of heart and courage'. The new building is considered the largest evangelical church building in Catalonia. The regional vice-president, Carod-Rovira and the mayor of Terrassa also attended the opening. The event was well covered by regional and some national press and TV. Watch here (in Catalan) the TV report.

The national government has postponed the introduction of a new religious liberty bill. It appears it may be giving rise to more complications than originally contemplated.
Meanwhile, it has been forced by the financial crisis to close down the office which dealt with religious matters, the Directorate of Relations with the Religious Confessions. It will be merged with the Directorate of International Legal Cooperation.[Image 100???]

On 9th June Mariano Blazquez, general secretary of the Evangelical federation FEREDE was among the guests on a TVE chat show on the topic the new Religious Liberty bill. The show went out on TVE 1. More (in Spanish): from TVE.

From June there is an evangelical chaplaincy service at Madrid airport's Terminal 4. The inter-confessional oratory in the terminal, which serves One World airlines, has a notice giving the times of pastoral attention and services. Generally, attention is from 10 to 12 and 6 to 8, except Tuesdays. A quiet place for meditation, you can also speak with a counsellor or pick up a New Testament or other piece of biblical or evangelical literature, courtesy of the Gideons and other organisations. For more information you can call (+34)-91.381.89.88.

On Friday, June 26th, another Spanish evangelical was expelled for no other reason than her religion. She was a Spanish language teacher in El Aaiun, Moroccan controlled former Spanish Sahara. Moroccan officials claimed she was 'a serious threat to public order'. On Thursday, 13th May a Spanish businessman in his 60s was expelled from Morocco, the sole reason again appearing to be his evangelical faith. He had lived most of his life in the country, which was still a Spanish dependency at the time of his birth. (Morocco became independent in 1956.) He ran a business installing photovoltaic solar panels. This is the first Spaniard to be affected by this year's wave of persecution. Last year a literacy worker was expelled.

Earlier news in bullets:

  • OM has opened an art studio in Southern Spain. Trough art they are reaching out to Spaniards and North Africans alike. The art centre opened at the end of May.
  • A new home-grown Spanish Bible translation, La Palabra (The Word), is now on sale! It is available in shops since June.
    Meanwhile, the Gideons have taken delivery of 5.000 copies of the Bible in Catalan. They will be particularly welcome in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia.
  • [Image 101???]CEDIB, the Evangelical Council of the churches in the Balearics, was officially presented to society on 6th June. Regional vice-president Albert Moragues was key guest. About a thousand local church members attended the event, which closed with two songs given by a united churches' choir, formed for the occasion.
  • During the spring Chris Mathieson and Ken Barrett gave several Open air training seminars, in Barcelona and Valencia. Ken also organised various open air events in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid over the past couple of months, despite on-going obstruction of their constitutional right by city authorities.
  • Another 'Evangelical Olympics' season is under way. The XII Madrid Evangelical Olympiad took place on May 15th. Pocket Testament League prmotes this event, which brings children from many churches for a great day of sport and meeting new friends. Madrid is followed by La Coruña (Galicia) and Málaga (Andalusia), ending in Barcelona in September.

For earlier news from the churches, click here!

Finally, more news from the churches is always available at the Protestante Digital site.

You can also listen to some reports and comment.

Protestante Digital's English service is on holiday during August.

Latest on Protestante Digital: (30th July)

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Evangelical protest demonstration outside Moroccan Consulate
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