News, March 2009

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News from the Churches - the new Spanish evangelical facebook. Crisis causes book shop to close, but another one opens! National Gospel Choir to sing on 21st March. Michael W. Smith coming to Spain. Carlos Martínez to perform at Mission-net. New regional law against 'publicity' finally permits freedom of speech (and preaching) in streets of Madrid. This and more... Read on!

A new invitation-only social network has gone live online for Spanish evangelicals. is a project of, an apologetic site which has been running for some time.

The CLC bookshop in Vigo, Galicia, has been forced to close, due to the economic crisis and a fall in sales. After 14 years serving this region it is sad to see the closure of its bookshop. Fortunately, evangelicals are well served on line and by phone from bookshops in Madrid and Barcelona, but in general there remain too few shops in the country. and for those who live in Galicia there is more good news from OM:
At the end of 2008, OM Spain moved its base office from Talavera to Naron, Galicia, in the northwest corner of Spain. God has provided a building next to a new church that Trevor and Manoli had been working to establish for the last three years. It is in a town where there was no church or any Christian testimony previously.
In the same building the team is setting up the office, store-room, kitchen, second-hand shop, food-distribution centre and a Christian book shop. Recently, the team received news that the only book shop in all of northwest Spain has had to close due to the economic crisis. The next nearest book shop is in Madrid, over 600 kilometres away.
The team is grateful to God, who has put them in a place that needs the Gospel just at the right time.
"Finding ourselves working in a town where there is no evangelical church, a lot of needy people, and now situated in a larger area where there are a lot of churches, but no Christian book shop, makes us grateful to God, who has put us in a needy place for the right season," commented Trevor and Manoli Allan, OM Spain Field Leaders.
Source: Trevor and Manoli ALLAN, OM Spain

Meanwhile, in Madrid the regional Evangelical Council has awarded its Medal of Honour to the Bible Society, the Fliedner Foundation and José Palma, for their work in opening bookshops and propagating evangelical literature. Palma was also a pentecostal pastor and president of the Evangelical Defence Commission, forerunner of the Evangelical Federation (FEREDE)

A recent conference on George Borrow's travels in Asturias was given by Ken Barrett. The conference was part of the 130th anniversary celebrations of the oldest evangelical church in the region, but recalling that due to Borrow's visit the evangelical presence is now over 170 years.

The Aguaviva National Gospel Choir sang at the 3rd centenary celebration of the Albacete Fair on 21st March. The choir, which links a number of regional choirs and was formed last year to sing at the Zaragoza World Expo on water, now had a new opportunity to present the gospel through song at a major festival.

Good News for Madrid! The end is no longer quite so nigh... After the first reading of a city bye-law in Madrid might have been understood by police to empower them to stop the preaching of the Gospel, especially when contacts are given counselling literature, the final law permits this activity. The bill had planned a blanket restriction on the distribution of literature and in particular the use of advertising by sandwich board men.

Michael W. Smith will perform in Spain in June in support of the NGO Compassion.

Battle for the Air takes to Space. Evangelical radio stations have tried against all the odds to get licensed air time on the spectrum. Severl firms have gone ahead anyway - like many other broadcasters, but now the biggest, RKM, has moved its broadcasting into space. From January you can watch or hear RKM TV and radio by tuning into Hispasat at 12705 / 2222. Their second channel, SolidariaTV is also available there. But the 15,000 Euro monthly fee is a matter of urgent prayer.. and giving by God's people. Another evangelical radio station, Radio Encuentro, is available for listening on Internet.

[Image 91???] [Image 92???] The atheist bus poster campaign, which has caused some furore in London, has now come to Barcelona, with plans to move on to Valencia and Madrid in the coming months. But this time the evangelicals are responding in kind! A bus is already on the roads of Madrid, as El Mundo reported on 8th January. Another Christian group, e-cristians, has also taken space on a number of buses in Barcelona.

Hope for Europe has awarded the Evangelical Hospital in Barcelona its annual Hope prize. HfE is a project of the European Evangelical Alliance and the Lausanne Movement. The European EA will also be holding their 2009 assembly in Spain, after Easter, with the title "Are Evangelicals 'Good News' people?"

The government, in its budget proposal for 2009, aims to maintain the 5 million Euros dedicated in 2008 to religious minorities.

Carlos Martínez, one of Europe's top mime artists, is to perform at next Easter's European missions conference Mission-Net. More here! A Spanish contingent will be there, seeking out opportunities to be involved around the world in missions. And don't miss us training sketchboard evangelism and at the OACI stand in the missions exhibition! A Spanish group will be attending the conference and you will find us (P4S) on the OAC stand at the missions exhibition.

For earlier news from the churches, click here!

Finally, more news from the churches is always available at the Protestante Digital site.

You can also listen to some reports and comment.

This week on Protestante Digital: (27th March)

Evangelical Council of Galicia against ecumenical move
Hannah Montana actress speaks of her Christian faith
Supper at midnight with first English missionary to Gijón
EMI hit the Latin Christian music market
Evangelicals join anti-abortion campaign in Córdoba
Animals have better protection than unborn children
German-speaking church opens new building in Almería
Open-air evangelists should now be left alone by the police
No requirement for Councils to provide land for churches

Evangelical Alliance very critical of ´expert´ report recommending abortion
A new papal army on the march
Citizens of what?
Bus poster campaign ends...and God still exists
Manga Bible on its way to Spain
Christian orphanage overwhelmed with applications
Spanish Protestants and the Republic
God is also winning the war on the buses

Grass-roots strength of the Catholic Church
Indoctrination removed from Citizenship
Alliance Chairman warns of ´superficial Christianity´
Evangelical Alliance recalls its Civil War work
Americans criticise favourable treatment of Catholic Church
Basque politician accuses Catholic Church of connivance with terrorists
Catholic Church admits Spain is a mission field
Biblical Museum opens in León
Borrowers of the world unite

Catholic corruption is Legion
God´s mission?
Abortion law approved without political consensus
Yet Evangelical Federation refuses to comment
Cortés adds his support for life imprisonment referendum
Re-discovering the true Calvin 500 years on
Postmodern Christian music?
Madrid hospital opens its doors to Evangelical pastoral visits