News, February 2008

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Expat life in Spain

4th February. The BBC has just published another article in their occasional series on living abroad. Read it here! More and more people are retiring to Spain or moving here for work or other reasons, but as you will see from the article, many never get integrated with the Spaniards, partly because they may live in areas, such as the Costa Blanca, where Spaniards appear increasingly scarce!

Over 200,000 British 'ex-pats' live on the Costa Blanca alone. Many more have holiday homes on the Mediterranean coastline and spend large amounts of time there, but it is only in recent years that much has been done beyond the most popular areas to help them either with integration into the broader society or extend the Gospel to them.

Pray4Spain has had several pages on going to Spain ever since we started, which we hope are useful for those interested in going, for whatever reason or length of stay. If you find these articles a help but need more advice, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Other useful articles:
British Embassy advice on Living in Spain (cut and paste):