News, August 2007

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3-11 trial under way

25th February. The trial of those accused of the 11th March 2004 bombings in Madrid began on 15th February. The bombs, on four commuter trains running into central Madrid during the rush hour, killed 191, wounded 1900. 29 are accused, 7 of murder. In the first week of declarations, denial and silence marked the answers of the accused to questioning.

In the initial round of questions, presumed plot leader Rabei Osman, known as Mohamed the Egyptian, refused to answer questions, but later agreed to answer those questions of his lawyer. This marked the tone for the first week, in which all the accused denied involvement and some even condemned the bombings, others keeping silent. During the second week the remainder of the accused, including the Spaniards who presumably supplied the explosives, will be questioned. The hearings are expected to last into the summer.

The Spanish press have noted the inclusion of three ETA convicts among those called in defense of the accused. In all, over 600 witness will be called.

On 10th May the principal suspects went on hunger strike.

More news as it comes in here or in the general roundup.

For more information we refer you to the BBC reports (link above) or trial preparation report or to our own report, now in need of updating.