News, November '05

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News from the Churches

Madrid celebrates First Regional Protestant Congress The event is taking place from 25th to 27th November, aiming to unite all the region's protestants, most of whom would consider themselves evangelical. At the inauguration it is hoped that a god number of local, regional and national political figures will be present, in addition to members of most of the churches.

Julia Doxat Purser was back in Madrid early November to speak at the first meeting of the Atman Foundation alongside ex President Gonzalez and current political and religious leaders including the Spanish EA's General Secretary, Jaume Llenas. More in several articles here Julia's first visit, the first of any EEA representative, was just a month ago - see archive for more details.

Anglican international student hostel opens in Salamanca The new hostel, to be officially opened on November 5th is not some protestant plot to undermine this famous Catholic intsitution! But indeed, Salamanca is Europe's oldest university and many foreign students study there. It is named after Atilano Coco, former IERE (anglican) pastor in the city and friend of philosopher and profesor Miguel Unamuno, who was shot by order of Franco. The hostel has 50 rooms. The IERE also celbrates the 125th anniversary of the election of its first bishop, Cabrera.

Sources El Mundo, TVE, EP, ProtestanteDigital, Ferede