News, August 2005

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1.5 million demonstrate against homosexual marriage in Madrid, but law finally goes through

18June05 demonstration
18th, 20th, 30th June. Today the government's flagship of 'progressive legislation', the homosexual marriage bill, was approved in the second reading in the Congress. This is despite a major demonstration last Saturday and its subsequent veto in the Senate on Monday. The demonstration showed up how unpopular the bill is. Estimates of numbers vary from 1.5 million according to the organisers down to 166,000 according to the government, with the regional government saying 'above 700,000. By any standards a large number were out on the streets of Madrid to demand rejection in the Senate of the bill currently before it to equate homosexual unions with traditional marriage before the law, including the right to adopt children. The Senate rejected the bill, adopting a motion of veto presented by the Catalan CiU party. The bill is again in the Congress today, where the left wing majority is expected to approve it.

The demonstrators, called together by the Spanish Family Forum, included large Roman Catholic and conservative political elements, as well as evangelicals, other religious groups and family and teachers' associations. This is the largest demonstration yet against the socialist government's 'progressive legislation' programme. Over a million signatures have also been handed in against the law.


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